
Collection of Random Fran Thoughts

I’m just gonna brain dump here. I’ll organize it later. Maybe. No promises.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Illusion of Knowing

Context: A question asked by a student during my panel lecture at grad school.

Thoughts: Don’t compare yourself with others. You are more knowledgeable compared to yourself 5 years ago (if you did the work). Remember the zoomed out version of Dunning-Kruger effect. No one truly knows (the axiome has to start with “we don’t know”). We are all just trying to figure it out. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. The more you realize you don’t know, the more you realize that no one knows. The more you realize that no one knows, the more you realize that we are all just trying to figure it out. The more you realize that we are all just trying to figure it out, the more you realize that you are not alone. The more you realize that you are not alone, the more you realize that you are not an imposter. So don’t compare yourself with others. You are more knowledgeable compared to yourself 5 years ago (if you did the work).

Do what you like.

Context: Another question asked by a friend asking for advice.

Playing with FHIR

Context: After working with healthcare technology.

Thoughts: FHIR is a standard for healthcare data exchange. It’s a standard that is still evolving and is not yet widely adopted. It’s a standard that is not yet widely adopted because it’s still evolving. It’s still evolving because it’s not yet widely adopted. Why? Because people are dumb… and also because it’s still evolving.

But I still believe that it’ll allow healthcare to evolve into the system of the people, by the people, for the people, and shall not perish from burnout.


Let’s not get distracted by toys.

Context: Things to remember from course PSYC 538 Categorization, Communication and Consciousness

Thoughts: Cognition is not just computation (Turing Indistinguishability). Symbol grounding problem remains unsolved. There is no 5th force to explain “feelings” (Hard Problem) and even the Easy Problem is extremely difficult.


Be like this spatula.

Context: First interview question. “What kitchen utensil would you describe yourself as?”

Thoughts: Be a voluntarily flexible spatula with the openness towards establishing “I and Thou” relationships, but also living by the dictum in sterquiliniis invenitur – in filth it shall be found.



All opinions are my own.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.